Sadly, this election cycle, the Public was not afforded an opportunity to hear the two Mayoral Candidates engage in a live dialogue about the issues and questions facing our City.
Mayor Dennis backed out of each opportunity, going back on his commitment to the residents of West Lafayette.
Monday October 10th 21st, 7-8pm
Mayor Dennis accepted an invitation to another event, backing out of our commitment, and cancelling the Public Forum. WBAA did provide a live conversation the same evening. You can listen here.
The League of Women Voters of Greater Lafayette in collaboration with our media partners – Star City Broadcasting, WBAA and The Journal and Courier – are hosting a candidate forum on October 21st (formerly the 10th), focused on the mayoral race for West Lafayette.
The forum will be held on Monday, October 21st, from 7 to 8 pm at City Hall (the former Happy Hollow Elementary).
The forum was originally scheduled for the 10th of October, however, was rescheduled due to a conflict.
Wednesday, September 25th, 6-8pm in MATH 175
Purdue Votes is hosting a Municipal Candidate forum on Wednesday, September 25 from 6 – 8pm in MATH 175.
City Council Candidates will present from 6-7pm.
Mayoral candidates will present from 6 – 7 p.m., and city council candidates will present from 7 – 8 p.m.
The Mayoral Forum at this event has been cancelled: Mayor Dennis had originally agreed to attend the event, but then cancelled due to a conflict. This is a common practice among incumbents to deprive the community public dialogue with their opponents.
The Purdue Votes Coalition then met and decided to change their original policy of allowing empty chairs to no longer doing so:
The forum (or what is left of it) will be moderated by Connie Doeble, the current Managing Director at the Center for C-SPAN Scholarship and Engagement and former C-SPAN Senior Executive Producer. There will be a reception afterwards in BRNG 1284 for candidates to interact with voters one-on-one.
(Zachary will be attending the reception afterwards)